التعليموظائف و تعليم

تعبير عن الجد بالانجليزي

الجد هو رمز للقيم النبيلة والأعلى في الحياة. يضاعف الجد المتعة في الأوقات السعيدة ويساعد في تحقيق الأهداف ويساعد على تخطي الصعاب بالخبرة والابتسامة. يلطف الآلام برعايته واهتمامه. لذلك، هو واحد من أكثر المواضيع أهمية وجمالية التي يمكن الكتابة عنها. يقدم موقع الموسوعة موضوعا عن الجد باللغة الإنجليزية بنموذج تعبير وبعض الأقوال عن الجد بالإنجليزية أيضا.

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تعبير عن الجد بالانجليزي

Just seeing the word “grandfather” making me happy as my grandfather represents the symbol for limitless great and deep meaning which the greatest writers and speakers in the world can’t express by their words, but I will try to explain by simple words because I’m sure you can feel too as they are in the depth of your heart for you grand father.

Grandfather represents safety and home, I feel with moving to paradise when I put my head on his chest and fall in laughing as if I owe the world before finally we go in a deep sleeping for sometimes.

He also represents my supporter, I tell him everything even about the craziest and strangest things I did or even I’m planning to do as he always support  and guide me to make my life better and to happier even when it leads me to make strange things.

He is my friend, I love to do everything with him because he his love turns everything to great thing even it’s  hard, I play with him and enjoy seeing the deep happiness in his eyes as returns a child again, when I get sick he sits beside me and that kills my pain better than any painkiller, in my best times he turns it to magical thing as his eyes shows me his great proud and true happiness for me, when i get stuck with any thing he save me and showing me the path by his wisdom and listening.

تعبير قصير عن الجد بالانجليزي

I will be a liar if said that I love my father because simply I adore him, even thinking in him makes my feel better, every time I spend with him is simply a deep memory, I study with him as he turns all the topics to just story or a game, as if he is a magical teacher.
He is the best doctor as he is able to heal all my pain with talking with me or just looking at me in silence.
and the best adviser in everything since he helps me with his valuable experience in life, he plays with me and makes my fill my heart with happiness as I ever faced any sad times in my life.
To summarise that, he is the person whom I think in when I am happy or sad, need help,support,guidance, he can play all the roles in my life as an angel who can do everything and all my desires and wishes to reality.

أقوال عن الجد بالانجليزي

  • There is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson. Victor Hugo.
  • More and more, when I single out the person out who inspired me most, I go back to my grandfather.  James Earl Jones.
  • A child’s eyes light up when they see their Grandpa. Catherine Pulsifer.
  • A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart. Unknown.
  •  Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers. Lewis Mumford.
  • Grandfathers give us not only wisdom and encouragement, but there are an inspiration to us. Kate Summers.

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