التعليموظائف و تعليم

قصة حصلت معي بالانجليزي

A few years ago my cousin and her family were traveling to have a vacation abroad. Their journey was supposed to be in a camp in the forests of Africa. They packed up their bags and started their journey. Once they have reached their destination they met the man who was supposed to book them the place where they will stay and he took them to the house where they camped.

After my cousin and her husband and their 6 years old daughter entered the house they arranged for their stay in the house. It was quite weird with a strange smell and their owners had changed the attic into a playroom. There was also a fireplace in this place but it was obviously boarded up. The young daughter started to scream to play with the old scary toys which were everywhere on the floor so his mom left her to play.

And after they have arranged everything in that house the mom noticed that her daughter is always busy. He started to let her and his father to be alone for hours in the playroom. The mother did not pay attention to that thinking the girl is trying to play and enjoy the vacation. The same day at night while they were sleeping the mom wake up by a voice of screaming women in the hall of the house but she thought she was dreaming.

But after a few days the little girl had appeared to be distracted and that is what made my cousin worried about her daughter. She tried to ask her about the most interesting thing in that room that keep making her busy all the time and she was shocked by the girl’s answer. Her little daughter told her that it was the little boy with his old doll toy.

The mom was shocked and she started to be scared she tried to tell her husband but he thought it was all of a young girl’s imaginations. The husband tried to ask his daughter about the little boy she was talking about and her answer was that it’s a boy wearing a blue suit with shiny buttons on his suit.

And when the father tried to tell his daughter that the boy is only in her imaginations she started to scream telling her father that the boy would not let you run and he is coming back for revenge. The dad was worried about his girl and he started to ask other people in the area about the description his daughter told about.

One of the old neighbors told the man that there was a young boy living in this house for years but he suddenly disappeared. He said that his family was looking for him and they suddenly stopped to search after a young lady told them she watched the boy playing on the side of the lake. The family thought that their son was drowned and they left the house since then.

My cousin’s husband was sure that his daughter was not lying now and he went home and asked her about the place where the little boy appears. The little girl pointed to the place of the old fire place that was boarded up so the father made up his mind that he will check the fire place.

After the father started to search the fire place he suddenly felt something small fall of the fire place. And when the father double checked what fell of the fire place he found a young skeleton of a little boy was hidden in the fire place. And what was interesting that the young skeleton was dressed an old blue sailor suit with little shiny buttons.

The father called the police to come and check the place and after the investigation was completed they found out that the little boy of the house did not drown. The little boy wearing the blue suit of a sailor was killed by his step mom in the house and his carcase was hidden in the fire place long time ago so as not to find it. My cousin and her husband and their little daughter ended their vacation and left the house and they swore not to go on a vacation in the forests again after living this sad experience.

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