التعليموظائف و تعليم

كتابة تمرين للحل بالإنجليزي

كتابة تمرين للحل أمر ضروري لترسيخ المعرفة والتحضير للاختبارات النهائية، ولذلك قدمنا لكم في موقع الموسوعة أهم تمارين قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية التي قد تحتاجون إلى تعلمها، وبعض التمارين على الأزمنة المختلفة في اللغة الإنجليزية وإجاباتها.

جدول المحتويات

كتابة تمرين للحل

ممارسة اللغة الإنجليزية هي الحل الأمثل لإتقانها، وستلاحظ فرقا كبيرا في مستوى لغتك عند استمرارك في هذه الممارسات. كما أن الامتحانات لن تكون بها الصعوبة التي تعتقد عندما تقوم بممارسة كافية. ولهذا السبب، جئنا إليك بأهم تمارين اللغة الإنجليزية

تمارين قواعد انجليزي

قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية هي أمور صعبة يواجهها الطلاب، لذا جئنا إليكم بهذه التمارين على قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية للمبتدئين

Karim  ___________ tired

  • Have
  • Has
  • Is
  • Be

Today is Friday. Yesterday it _____ Thursday.

  • Was
  • Be
  • Is
  • Were

_______ Lots of Lions in the zoo

  • There aren’t
  • There are
  • There is
  • There

How many friends ______ in your class?

  • There
  • There are
  • Is there
  • Are there

Where ______ Amira live.

  • Does
  • Do
  • Is
  • Are

________ to Alexandria on the train Yesterday

  • Ali goes
  • Ali go
  • Did Ali go
  • Did Ali went

Lila would have made sure Ahmed was here _____ were coming too.

  • If she had known
  • If she knew
  • If she has known you
  • When she had known I

You’re not that good at cooking, ________ yourself

  • Get lost
  • Get over
  • Get out
  • Get rid of

_________ different brands from all over the world in paris.

  • There is a lots of
  • There’s many
  • There’s loads of
  • There are a lot of

What’s up with her? ______ mood about something.

  • He had a bad
  • He has a angry
  • He’s in a bad
  • He’s in angry

Amel’s loving her new job in Paris. What I didn’t ___ abroad.

  • Know he has lived.
  • Know he does live
  • Even knew he is living
  • Even know he was living

Remind me again, what _____ coffee tonight.

  • You want to have for
  • Did you want for
  • Do you want
  • Do you like for

Asmaa said that ____ word with me, yes, please come in and have a seat.

  • You will want to have a
  • You wanted to have a
  • You can have a
  • You had a

تمارين على الأزمنة وإجابتها

حان الوقت للتدرب على مختلف الأزمنة في اللغة الإنجليزية، وإليك أفضل التمارين على أزمنة اللغة الإنجليزية

I ————— Mazen before I met you, because we were at the same school.

  • Knew
  • Had known
  • Had been knowing

I ————— all of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia and the united kingdom. I love traveling and see new places.

  • have visited
  • visited
  • has been visiting

It is already 9:00 AM and I —————- here for more than 15 minutes. If the train dose not reaches the station within 5 minutes, I will take car.

  • has been waiting
  • had been waiting
  • have been waiting

Sarah told me that Nesma has resigned from his company. Actually, she—————– for it for more than five years.

  • had been working
  • has been working
  • had worked

I did not pay the phone bill because I —————- my bag in the rest room in the restaurant.

  • lost
  • had lost
  • have lost

I —————– an email to the manager because of some due dates since afternoon.

  • am writing
  • have been writing
  • has been writing

I was very mad at my younger sister yesterday. By the time she came back from school, she  ————— with my brother for more than three hours. I could not focus at all.

  • was singing
  • has been singing
  • had been singing

في النهاية، لا تنسى ممارسة المزيد من التمارين يوميا، وحاول أن تطلع على الامتحانات السابقة لمعرفة نوعية الأسئلة التي قد تواجهها في امتحانات اللغة الإنجليزية في نهاية العام الدراسي، وتذكر أن جهودك وعملك لن يذهبا هباء بل ستحصل على مكافأة، فإن الله يكافئ دوما حسب العمل والجهد.

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