التعليموظائف و تعليم

بحث عن الانترنت بالانجليزي

قراءة بحث عن الإنترنت باللغة الإنجليزية تساعد في توعية الأفراد بفوائد وأضرار استخدام الإنترنت، وتسهم في تعزيز اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل كبير. وتنعكس هذه التحسينات على القدرة على التواصل الشفوي والكتابي باللغة الإنجليزية على المدى القريب والبعيد. لتستفيد من المقالة الحالية التي أعدتها لك، يوصى بقراءة المقالة كاملة أولا من دون الاعتماد على قاموس، وتدوين المفردات غير المعروفة في ملف. ثم يمكن الاستعانة بقاموس لمعرفة معاني تلك الكلمات وبعض المرادفات لكل منها. في النهاية، يمكنك كتابة مضمون المقالة بأسلوبك الخاص في اللغة الإنجليزية.

جدول المحتويات

بحث عن الانترنت بالانجليزي

Advantages  of using Internet

Multiplying learning ability

This is because internet provides us with limitless valuable resources for learning almost everything, we can ask google about any information we need to know and by this way we can find a massive amount of informations with many options from articles, videos, photos, books, or even combination of them beside interactive activities to help us learn better. And Beside all these advantages many of the available resources are for free as Wikipedia and most of the youtube channels and free learning sites like Udmy, Ted, Edx,Coursera, Khan Academy,Open Yale Courses, Stanford online. More over all these methods the internet make it easy to learn with any professional person in the world without leaving our places or waste time in moving, because internet helps us to learn online paid or free.

connecting people from all over the world

Nowadays we can’t spend a day without using internet in connecting with people we know directly as family members and friends, because albeit it’s easy and cheap to make a call phone, Connecting with interned is better according to many dimensions as there are many options to use as apps and social media sites, also we can use live video calls and feel as if we are together in the same place even if we live in different countries.

Besides that internet make it very simple to connect with people we didn’t meet before face to face, so, this make is simple as just making a click by mouse, to connect with others for any reason whether it only social reason or even work.

Elevating achieving rate and quality

If anything led to preventing us from connecting to the internet, we feel that we are prevented from achieve many things with various levels according to how much we depend on the internet in our daily tasks. That’s because we depend in internet on very tasks as it help us to do them faster, better, and by less effort. So it became hard to do many things without internet for many things, even some missions we can’t do without internet as making researchers, a achieve work missions which must be done remotely with people from other places, as online teaching.

Promoting our ability to overcome disease

As many advanced medical instruments depending on the internet, besides many doctors collaborate with eachother online either in medical researches or to share knowledge and experience, or to discuss knowing the accurate description and treatment for certain medical cases. Also, internet made a great role in limiting risks of getting sick by increasing awareness about how people can limit possibilities of affecting by diseases as Diabetes and Cancer. Besides interned raises awareness about healthy habits which help us strengthen our health.

 Disadvantages of using Internet

As most of the things in life using internet has some disadvantages and most of them can be avoided by using in moderately, and these disadvantages are:

  • Increases risks of several diseases as eye and bones diseases,  besides depression.
  • Raises rates of gaining weight especially in children and online workers.
  • Weakens relationships with friends and family members as it makes the time most people meet face to face.
  • Wastes a lot of time when used unwisely as just playing games or just browsing social media sites.

المصادر: 1، 2، 3، 4، 5، 6، 7.

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